Welcome to ThunderCast: Charged-Up Insights for People in Tech, where we explore the latest trends and innovations in the tech industry.
The Power of Open-Ended Questions
- The importance of using “how” questions to engage the other party in finding solutions.
- How open-ended questions can help uncover underlying motivations and needs.
- The example of a candidate negotiating a contract extension using this technique.
The Importance of Tactical Empathy
- The concept of labeling emotions to understand the underlying reasons behind behavior.
- Using curiosity to dig deeper and uncover hidden motivations.
- The example of a client wanting to present a proposal themselves and the underlying reasons behind it.
The Art of Getting a “Yes”
- The three types of “yes”: counterfeit, confirmation, and commitment.
- The importance of seeking commitment rather than just agreement.
- Techniques for obtaining a commitment, such as the “objection audit” and the “bar defense.”
The Dangers of Counterfeit “Yes”
- Recognising when someone says “yes” but doesn’t truly agree.
- The importance of using empathy to create genuine connection and commitment.
- The example of someone saying “you’re right” but not actually meaning it.